Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)  is a relatively new technology that is beginning  to attract immense attention in the ever competitive corporate world.  CTOs and business owners alike are now starting to appreciate the importance of implementing RPA to increase efficiency. Our RPA technology integrations has the ability to imitate human behavior in the execution of the outlined processes.

We at eightrevolution are highly trained experts in RPA technology and can easily collaborate with your human resource enterprise software systems such as FSM software, ERP systems or your typical service management applications. With our extensive knowledge of automated , we can help your company increase productivity, where tasks can be done more efficiently, and much faster.

Whilst conventional RPA is typically explicitly programmed to execute specific tasks, we are even more keen on pioneering novel RPA integrated with machine learning and artificial intelligence to boost efficiency and increase profitability for your company.

Implementing RPA in the Corporate Environment

Recent studies in finance and accounting show that RPA software can help eliminate some the most common repetitive and time-consuming manual tasks. With our extensive knowledge in Robotic Process Automation, we can increase efficiency to collect accurate intelligence and insights. We can also offer your company unlimited access to analytics and cutting-edge financial data.

As most companies are struggling to handle the quantity of financial data that is always piling up due to the data boom, our RPA technologies can help you streamline finances to have a strategic viewpoint and contribute to more posterity for the company.

Robotic Process Automation Services

Benefits of using the RPA software

Our RPA software can help in streamlining all internal processes, which allows technology and people to work in perfect harmony. In addition, our system will provide you with better insights on new trends to capitalize for success in business. Our RPA systems works best on manual tasks that are too repetitive at the workplace.

Since our software often employs application UIs, few modifications are necessary to complete the automation process. Here are some of the benefits you can get when you utilize and tap into our RPA software expertise for your company.

Minimize cost

When you automate tasks using our bespoke RPA software systems, you can achieve tremendous cost savings that may exceed 20%. Managing software robots is less expensive than attending to the needs of full-time employees.

Improve customer experience

Implementing our RPA software in your business can help free up important resources that can be channelled into business processes targeted to promote customer success.

Low operational errors

Our highly trained staff in Robotic Process Automation technologies will work meticulously to eliminate errors and ultimately reduce operational risk in the bespoke RPA applications that we develop on your behalf.

Better internal processes

Our expertise in leveraging RPA and AI to develop functional and efficient applications to eliminate repetitive, redundant and laborious tasks will lead to better internal processes as well. However, a company should first have a well defined internal process architecture to ensure the success of the deployment. With seamless interaction between RPA and AI, our trained personnel can facilitate both internal and on-boarding reporting activities.

Works with your company existing internal IT systems

Our RPA software will not replace your existing internal IT systems. Instead, our RPA experts can easily leverage the existing systems, similar to how a employee can. More importantly, our artificial intelligence expertise can help in making jobs more fluid. That way, we can help free up your workforce from repetitive and mundane administrative tasks.

RPA technology also helps increase efficiency and speed to pave way for digital transformation at your workplace.

Contact us

Contact us today and learn ways on how you can integrate RPA technology in your day-to-day, pertinent corporate processes including unstructured problem solving, discovery,  information deciphering and automation of mundane tasks.


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